Is the problem only sucrose or even refined fructose or …

Comment on The deadly drug in your kitchen by Neli.

Is the problem only sucrose or even refined fructose or glucose can have the same devastating effects?
I first read about it in the book “molecules of emotion” by Candace Pert. Maybe you can read it even though it’s not the most recent one 🙂
Another thing, you never mention honey, both as one of the sweets known to man in the ancient world for centuries (or millenia) and as a valid alternative to the partially refined syrups. Pity people like my mom are allergic to it.
For my one-year-old I also buy cookies and oat bars sweetened with concentrated grape or apple juice. Are these valid in your view? I enjoy them a lot myself too, so perhaps that could be an easy way to start my desintoxication program 😉 He also loves a fruit bar made with dates and bananas, or dates and apple. All are part of the Organix Goodies brand. Again, for my son, I buy concentrated fruit juices (pear, apple, grape, with addition of small amounts of other ones) to dilute in water. They don’t taste like a fresh juice, but are nice as I can have them as diluted as I want, they keep well and are without added sugars.