This article made me think a lot…I’m 17 and what …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Kay.

This article made me think a lot…I’m 17 and what really touched me here reading through the article and the comments was the fact that I don’t have to feel solely responsible for our relationship. You are right – he’s the adult. And I know that. I’ve never made it my excuse but I also try not to beat myself up over it.

My father is a good man, and has never physically abused me – but he can rather verbally abusive whether he knows it or not. He has also destroyed my things when he gets angry, including smashing my laptop and destroying the hard drive over a total miscommunication.

I know I’m not perfect, but I feel as though I do try – the things he gets angry at me about is because I’m tired or not hungry. I never break any rules – and I don’t go against his wishes. As I get older, I’m finding it harder to get along with him – he is unreasonable and unwilling to even talk to me about anything besides the weather practically.

I always felt as though I was the reason we don’t get along. My mother has basically said so many times…she says that I always could try harder and do more. But never gives me specifics – although I do remember once ( at age 12 or 13) her telling me to apologize (for something I literally don’t even remember) on bended knee to him. I didn’t do it.

I need to do what I feel I must – but I won’t take sole responsibility for this. I’m not even technically an adult – although he accuses me of not acting like an adult. Yet he never treats me as though I am.

But anyways. Just reading this article – although it doesn’t change anything – has made me think,
