Hey Sarah, I have little connection with my dad. Sometimes …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by anisha.

Hey Sarah, I have little connection with my dad. Sometimes he changes for like a week or two then he goes back to normal. And whenever I try to speak to him in person I get scared because he is either going to abuse me or curse me. He says very many things to me and I start crying and even if he changes for some time I still can’t forget what he told me previously.

I am fat and the last time I stayed with my dad I would miss meals. All I would eat was watermelons and I would swim every day by force, well swimming is not bad but when you’re being forced it gets annoying. My parents separated when I was six and now I’m 16 but whenever they have their issues they put all there anger on me. I really have no problem with my mum because I can stand up to her when it gets too much. But for my dad I’m too scared to approach him because of the way he treats me, though he gets me gadgets and every other thing even when I don’t ask.

But I’m tired of being scared of him, I really want to talk to him but I don’t know the right way to approach him or even start the conversation and I know it’s going to take me a lot of corauge but I have this urge of opening up to him. Sarah should I send him an email or talk to him in person. What should I do and even say that would be right and not rude?