My father has always been the role model for me. …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Simin.

My father has always been the role model for me. I look up to him in every posible situation in my life. He has always been very appreciating and encouraging.
With that being said, I have some serious trust issues. I cannot trust any men because I’m afraid they are not going to take care of me as my father did. I also have commitment issue. A moderate number of men have alredy proposed to me but none of them seems good enough. Why is this happening? Like I already said I had the most amazing relationship with my father and he has always been my inspiration.
Whenever someone approaches me, I start thinking what if I deserve better. I’ve always fascinated about falling in love but it does not seem like I am ever going to experience that because of my own problem.
I really need some advice now. What is exactly wrong with me?