This is all so true, such a tax would greatly …

Comment on Why we need a tax on junk food by yasha.

this is all so true, such a tax would greatly improve both national health and national finances!

yasha Also Commented

Why we need a tax on junk food
Every country should tax junk food. The only food that shouldn’t be taxed is organic wholefoods.

Why we need a tax on junk food
“Of course, the stock objection to suggestions that the government should introduce fiscal measures that encourage people to adopt better diets is that it is a “nanny state” measure. But surely anyone who objects to “nannying” believes that we must each take full responsibility for our actions, and their consequences. All a tax would do is ensure that those of us who make the choice to consume junk food pay a price for it that more closely reflects its true cost.” <<< Sarah I have long been saying this, just not quite as eloquently as you. Neil