Hi! How are you? I am great, I have a …

Comment on Matcha green tea face mask by Corina.

Hi! How are you? I am great, I have a few questions about the matcha face mask, I have very sensitive acne prone skin. I used the organic unrefined extra virgin coconut oil before as a face moisturizer at night everyday to help clear my acne. I was told that at first your acne would get worse because it is going thru a detoxifying phase and your face will purge and get worse before it gets better. The worse acne should happen for about three weeks due to the purging but in about a month your face will clear up and if it does not then your skin is allergic to it and you must stop which I did. So I want to use the matcha powder with water only, my question is will it help clear my acne or will my acne get worse before it gets better? How often can i use the matcha face mask? Can I use it everynight? Do I wash my face with my cleanser first, then apply mask, after 30 minutes I will rinse mask and then do I apply my moisturizer? Is that the correct routine? Please let me know I appreciate your help.

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Hi! How are you? I am great, my question is u say 1 gram of matcha equals to 35mg of caffeine, so how many grams of matcha should be consumed per day to receive all the excellent benefits from matcha powder? What is the serving size per cup and how many milliliters are in grams? I have a half a teaspoon and a teaspoon size which is 2.5ml and 5ml, so how many grams are in 2.5ml and 5ml? I am new to matcha so I am just doing my research before I purchase it? Thank You!