My dad is a great, loving man but he worked …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today (part 2) by Rachel.

My dad is a great, loving man but he worked long hours during my childhood, so my male role model became my older brother. My brother was either criticizing or ignoring me while we were growing up. All I ever wanted was his love and approval, but I never got it. I can definitely see the link between the issues I’ve had as an adult (low self-esteem, not feeling good enough or lovable) and my childhood. Didn’t mean for this to sound like a pity party ‚Äì I’m really working on feelings of resentment, and I’m trying to turn the way I view myself around. I feel for you other ladies out there ‚Äì best wishes to you all.