I can’t see how old this article is, I’ve read …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today (part 2) by Alexandra.

I can’t see how old this article is, I’ve read both in five minutes and they sum me up to a t. I’ve spent the last two years in therapy working on myself and my self esteem. It’s been going well but it’s like I keep coming up to a wall.
My dad is an alcoholic. He’s said I love you once on the phone, almost by reflex so I don’t think he meant to. The only other time he’s shown affection is when I was sick and he was drunk. I’m 25 and have never had so much as a first date. Trust and abandonment are huge issues. How can anyone love and respect me unconditionally when my own father can’t? I don’t know what to do about this.