Hi Sarah, I really enjoyed this piece. I hope you …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Ellie.

Hi Sarah, I really enjoyed this piece. I hope you can give me some advice, especially on this father’s day when I am feeling very alone

I am a highly sensitive child, now in my late teens, and I grew up with loving parents. However, I have always wanted an involved father. My father always uses the excuse that he is very busy but in all honesty he is not (very flexible hours, he is self-employed). He is always on his phone talking to others, even when he walks through the door. He can be highly critical of times and I feel he does not support my aspirations. In this past year, my parents have grown a bit distant and he hurts…at times I feel like my father is being unfaithful as well. I have suffered from anxiety attacks and whenever I see friends who have a great relationship with their fathers it just tears me apart

My question is, how, and when, should I talk to my father about him not being involved in my life. I have rehearsed it in my mind for years now but I don’t have the courage