I have been abandoned, lonely, betrayed, derogated, used and abused …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Eemany.

I have been abandoned, lonely, betrayed, derogated, used and abused by that egocentric, phlegmatic, perfidious, unavailable, ostentatious, wayward, and vengeful called my father. In retrospect, he left home to the US in 1985 when I was in college and forsake me deliberately for 15 years. I was touching base, however, but he was rejecting my calls so often or changing his address and number furtively.

Then, 2000 Mom passed away due to a brain tumor and I left to the US but my father and his wife treated me so repulsively from day one. In return, I have worked and studied assiduously that my father felt proud of me and at ease; however, he has was constantly unwelcoming suitors and imprisoning me at home on weekends and holidays, especially when he noticed my codependency in him. So work and school were my sanctuary that I must save from my father’s perfidy by giving him my visa card where my paychecks and tax return are deposited, and he didn’t mind.

Then in 2010 I took pills and received treatment as an inpatient for depression and anxiety owing to long-term celibacy and stress at work and home. I wish you witnessed his promises to my psychiatrist and psychologist so they discharge me and wish you witnessed how he mercilessly broke them while I was begging not to.

In conclusion, I hate my father for acting like my foe and waisting 30 years of my life. Imagine that I am 50, yet emotionally and mentally I am 21, that age where I was blessed with multiple happy events that my father ruined recklessly, like being together after 5 years of separation, and my graduation from college, and the marriage proposal from Ahmed, my sweetheart. Unfortunately, my father sent Ahmed away, and did not ask me about my letter grade or my goals, and he returned to the US after only a week with us. I am assured that Goofy understands why I hate my father, while my father can’t because he doesn’t want to understand 🙁