So much good stuff here, Sarah. Do you leave room …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Charles.

So much good stuff here, Sarah.
Do you leave room for the world that has our Creator as it’s centerpiece, rather than our always awesome and wonderful SELF? You are very educated, pleasantly cerebral and try to draw us all toward light and good…so I got right to the point in the interest of balance and good time mgmt. “) My understanding is that we are created with godlike characteristics that enable us to fulfill the specific roles we are responsible for in each of the various relationships we have…and that the one underlying aspect common to ALL of these different roles is the communication, if not the outright embodiment, of our Creators love, goodness, forgiveness, authority and, yes, plans and purposes. The well-worn cliche: “…it’s not all about, but bigger than, us” comes to mind. Fathers seem to carry the most water in that effort, as the anchorman in the relay with the most responsibility…and the necessary authority (not a bad word) to succeed in that role, IF we let him and to our benefit. Your wise words help in that regard…as long as they aren’t used to justify an overturning of foundational, even eternal, realities and truth. It’s about our Abba, our Creator as the center piece if we are to ever enjoy fully the things you encourage so specifically and so well.

Shalom bshem Yeshua