My dad and I have never gotten along. Ever since …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Amy.

My dad and I have never gotten along. Ever since my parents split when I was 6 I saw the side of him that scared me forever. I just got into a fight with him about me talking to my mother and how he should know everything about my life. This is wrong. I am constantly trying to find his approval and I’ve come to realize that its not worth it. How can I show someone like him that I love him when I don’t and force myself to.

In the article it talks about the father daughter relationship and how it is so strong. This is true but not with my dad. He’s very distant and pulls the “because of my age I know nothing” card and calls me fat and dumb. Even though I starve myself sometimes and try to lose weight so I don’t get called that. When I met my step dad I felt that kind of imprinting that the article talked about. To me my step dad is my dad but my “real” dad is just someone who has their genes in me. A

t this point I would love to leave his house and never see him again. He says I’m free to go but yet I’m scared to. I am scared to hurt someone because I’ve been hurt so badly that I don’t want anyone to go through pain like I have. Regardless if it is him. I would forever have that guilt. I don’t know I just needed a place to voice what I am going through to see if it helped anyone or if anyone is willing to help me.