Hi. I’d prefer not to say my name for I …

Comment on So you grew up with a dad who didn’t know how to express love? Here’s how it could be affecting you today by Anonymous.

Hi. I’d prefer not to say my name for I am writing this in concern for my daughter and her emotional state . Her dad pulled a restraining order on me to get me out of our home, the accusations are all false and quite the contrary of what he so believes, that I am the abuser and he fears for his life.

I have two other daughters as well, 18 years, 16 years (the one I’m concerned about), and 12 years of age. My daughters do not want to be nor live with their dad in the house if I’m not there. We are at my mothers in one bedroom, for my girls and I. He has made life very hard and inconvenienced my girls by his deceitful ways.

He wants full custody in believing my girls are in danger by being with me, yet he fails to acknowledge his girls see and know the truth , and that is he is an alcoholic, he is abusive and in their deposition all three have said that they want nothing to do with him and as far as they are concerned, he put their mom out and she, I am the one who has been sole primary caretaker and caregiver.

Two nights ago my daughter came home drunk (2nd time), she claims she no longer cares about any of this and is ok and will not talk about it, yet her sister informed me, she had a melt down and was yelling, I hate my dad, he messed up our lives he put us out on street, I hate I hate I hate while in tears that apparently would not stop. The next day was as if nothing happened. She will not talk about her feelings nor express them and cont to say I’m fine I don’t care anymore!!!

We both know that’s not true.

How do I help my daughter deal, grieve and move on in a healthy way. I’m looking into counseling for her but have no idea how to go about it. She needs to get this out, my fear is losing her to the liquor. And she needs to learn to express herself without it. The dad is a hard-core alcoholic. She is bright beautiful plays softball and will have a scholarship next year for college.