Hi Cicero, I’m a health coach and have trouble getting people …

Comment on Cancer prevention tips from Thomas Lodi, M.D. by Ann.

Hi Cicero,

I’m a health coach and have trouble getting people to listen, so, YES, it’s very frustrating when friends and family won’t listen! Change is very difficult for some people, even when facing a serious illness. All we can do is share – share Dr. Lodi’s free eBook, his web site, and any personal stories. Get Brenda Cobb’s book, The Living Foods Lifestyle, and share her stories. Sign up for Hippocrates Health Institute’s free HOW magazine, and share their stories.

Cancer is preventable and can be eliminated, no matter what stage. Many thousands of people have permanently eliminated cancer, diabetes and heart disease with a change in lifestyle which includes a whole foods, plant based diet. Just keep sharing!