It’s our right as consumers to have full awareness and …

Comment on Can we really trust the word raw on food labels? by Casey Lorraine Thomas.

It’s our right as consumers to have full awareness and knowledge of the practices going into producing our food, especially when the price tag is elevated as is often the case with raw food products. Misleading or dishonest claims need to be revealed, reprimanded and all claims adjusted to reflect the honest truth of the production of the food.

In the superfoods industry, where prices are often extremely high, claims are lofty (justifiably or unjustifiably so as the case maybe) and the industry isn’t uniformly regulated, the need for honest and fair practices is never more necessary. Consumers have the right to know and trust that the products they buy, whether raw chocolate or anything else, have labels that accurately reflect the processing procedures and ingredients.

It is our right as consumers to make our purchase decisions based on real facts, not false claims. As a raw food and health educator, it is especially important to me that we hold the industry to its highest integrity and only support businesses that have the purest of values.