Comment on Would you like fries with that? by Natalie Southgate.
Thanks so much for highlighting this – too many people are too blas√© about “the occasional treat” of junk food for themselves or their kids. I recently watched the brave experiment of the man who made the Supersize Me documentary, which was both fascinating and frightening. My youngest two have never been to McDonald’s or Burger King but regrettably I’d be surprised if there are any other children in their school who could make that claim.
It’s not just the fast food outlets though – last weekend, my youngest went to a friend’s birthday party where I had to choose his party meal from a choice of cheeseburger, hamburger, nuggets or sausages. As the party was in a children’s play centre amongst the arcades on Margate seafront, it was clearly all going to be very cheap and horrendous quality processed food. Fortunately, I’d already plied him with some organic pasta before going but I knew he couldn’t sit amongst the other children with no food so I very reluctantly ordered him just a few chips.
Jamie Oliver did a great job of highlighting all the processed food in schools, but over time the good he did probably does fade and people still include fast food in their diet too often without knowing (or caring) about what they’re eating.