Comment on When raw gurus give dangerous advice by J.W..
Well done Sarah, at last someone has had the courage to stand up and speak out about this! I too have heard horrendous stories about people put on crazy restrictive raw diets and becoming so ill that they end up in hospital. Surely when these so called experts give nutritional advice to anyone they should consider, age, previous history of medication and operations which they have had, but most just don’t. I truly believe this is an accident waiting to happen, so again reinforcing your advice do a complete search on these self made gurus before like me you end up with no improvement and even less bank balance.
I have at last found a practitioner who is getting excellent results using tests you can’t argue with at a totally realistic price, she gives you time and you come away feeling totally uplifted and certainly not ripped off, so they are out there, the trouble is it can take such a long time to find a good one.
Sarah keep on doing what you do so well, it’s so good to have someone in the health movement you can totally trust.
Recent Comments by J.W.
A cautionary tale: the “Raw Vegan Village”
This is an appalling story. Here are 2 people who put themselves up as caring individuals in the raw food movement but have quite literally wrecked the lives of people who trusted them. How can they face themselves each day knowing what they have done? I wonder if they have ever considered the link between people losing their life savings and suicide ‚Äì maybe if they are reading this they should reconsider their actions. Well done Sarah for highlighting this so well, I really hope it pricks their conscience….if they have one.