Comment on The essential guide to vitamin D and the sun by pmj.
The part that i really want to know is how much vitamin D per minute at X time of the day.
Like a table showing at X time, at Y latitude would yield me how much vitamin D etc. Then subtract that by the skin color.
pmj Also Commented
The essential guide to vitamin D and the sun
Not very exact, i’m looking for how much vitamin D i gain per minute and how much i needed it. 10 minutes a day during the summer if i live in the tropical doesn’t tell me how OFTEN i needed that to maintain a healthy amount of Vitamin D.
I’m assuming that 10 minutes during summer in the tropical with no clothe would get me around 10,000 IU of vitamin D. The recommended vitamin D per day is 4000 IU. So 10 minutes a day would cover me for the next two and a half days. << I want that kind of exact detail.