Thrive: a must-see movie

Just watched Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? and highly recommend it. Here’s the synopsis:

“THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.”

Check out the trailer above and you can watch the full movie online for just $4.99 at the Thrive Movement website, which is also full of information about the topics covered in the movie.


  • The idea the information that’s supposed to be so vital to the world is being sold $4.99 per view is exactly whats wrong with the world. If I knew that the information contained in the THRIVE was so vital i’d be giving it away. Save the world and make buck. As THE WHO says it, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

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    • I hear you, Patrick. At one point it was available for free on YouTube – not sure whether it still is. I don’t know how much Thrive cost to make, but this is a full-length movie that’s super professional and looks like it must have been well over a million. When someone has invested that much time and money, shouldn’t they get a return on their investment? They didn’t just have this information – they invested vast amounts of time and money crafting it into a form that would really get it out there. If you could afford the time and money investment that clearly went into this movie without asking for any return on it, you’re in a tiny and very blessed minority. A viewing fee of $4.99 is a pretty nominal sum. Most DVDs in my local rental store cost more than that to hire, and if myself and the two friends I watched this with had headed to a London cinema to watch the latest trashy blockbuster it would have set us back more like $50. I disagree with the notion that if someone asks to be paid for their work that means they’re not genuine, they’re just in it for the money. I don’t get that feeling about this movie at all – but on the other hand, when I see a raw guru or other alternative practitioner with no medical training charging an hourly consultation fee that is higher than the most senior medical doctors (there are few consultants in the UK who charge more than ¬£300 per hour, yet I know of at least one raw guru who charges nearly ¬£500), that definitely feels very dodgy to me…! Thanks for sharing.

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  • I agree with you Sarah, the movie would have been very costly to make and there would have been many people involved in making it (check out the credits) and in this day and age, can anyone really do a huge amount of work (movies take years to make) and not expect anything in return for it? I think its not very fair to expect people to give out such valuable information with no charge and if they do, automatically assume they are ‘in it for the money’ I know a lot of people in the natural health world get attacked for making money yet it is their livelihood and what will they survive on if they don’t make any money? Social welfare system? I think not!

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    • Thanks, Anna – I agree with you too! Worthy work does not become unworthy just because someone gets paid for it. I was really happy to pay for this movie, and it felt right to pay for it given the massive amount of energy that went into it.

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