Comment on My interview with Lillian Muller by maria.
thank you for this. my favourite part :-
So at 59, is it safe to say that she’s confident the best is still to come? “When I turned 30 I felt great about it, when I turned 40 I felt even better, when I turned 50 I celebrated. And 60? That’s only a few months away now and I have had so much fun dreaming up wild, crazy things to do to celebrate that.
In 59 years I’ve never been drunk or high, so I’ve had a lot of time to think! I want to do things I haven’t done before. What can I achieve, what influence can I have in society? When you’re older, you’re more experienced, you have more wisdom, you’ve met more people and read more books. Shake it up! Make a difference. Have a few wrinkles and love them!”
Recent Comments by maria
Diet guidelines for the Highly Sensitive Person
Wonderful simple advice!
Hard-hitting new investigative report asks “Raw gurus: can you trust them?”
I have just read Thomas’s report and the situation is so much worse than I had realised. I had come across hints of some of it before but Jeez! It’s very important, not only for raw vegans but for all health seekers.
I salute your and Thomas’s courage.
An overlooked essential for health and happiness
Thank you so much for your latest article, Sarah.
I read about the ‘raw food community’ situation a while ago. It sent chills down my spine. Some of the victims were trying to accept what had happened to them by ‘going into non-judgement’. Sad and scary. But I understand their fear of being seen to judge by ‘non-judgemental’ people (ha!) and their fear of not getting their savings back unless they keep schtum.
I have been a customer of raw businesses for years, both food-related and learning-related.
In general, I have found the raw marketplace alright but I have been shocked at times by pettiness and unethical behaviour (such one raw ‘guru’ adding 10 years onto his age when I asked him, no doubt to impress us with how ‘young’ he looked. His only saving grace is that 10 years on, he looks much the same…!).
I have not experienced much bad behaviour on a personal level from raw foodies (only one or two things) but I have seen lots of over-pricing of ‘raw’ goods. These are often concoctions made with cacao, cashews, etc. (is *any* of it actually raw?) or dehydrated crap. I once paid roughly 6 Euro for a packet of raw dehydrated ‘pita bread’, only to discover there were precisely two-and-a-half small slices in the box.
I know from bitter experience, however, how easy it is to trust people who are on your wavelength – or who run an ‘ethical’ business’ – and how devastating it is to be shafted by arrant ruthlessness coated in cane sugar.
I am one of those who finds it hard to stand up for myself in such situations – which, by extension, makes it harder for me to speak up for others when I desperately want to – so I just wanted to say thank you for your courageous beacon of light.
The long road back to perfect health
Raw is law! Great tips, thank you for sharing your story, Jesse.
Why we all need to stand up for health freedom NOW
Thank you for this report. I’m speechless, I had no idea this was happening. I agree with the commenters above that there needs to be an organised resistance – I’m in and I’m sure thousands of others are too.