Comment on Why very high fruit diets are a *disaster* for most of us by blogblog.
1. Humans ARE just another species of chimpanzees sharing 98% of our DNA with our fellow chimps. The fact that we are placed in a different genus – Homo – is based on 19th century convention not science.
Chimpanzees eat 3-5 KILOS of fruit and leafy greens every day (equivalent to about 20-30 large apples).
2. Humans have NO specific genetic adaptations to eating either high fat or high protein diets. Lactose tolerance simply means we can digest a milk SUGAR (lactose) not milk fats or proteins.
3. Humans evolved in the tropics. The vast majority (>90%) of humans still in the tropics and subtropics. The fact that fruit isn’t available during an English winter is totally irrelevant.
4. The peer-reviewed science is very clear that very high levels of whole fruit consumption is both safe and healthy.
5. Fructose in the form of fruit does NOT cause obesity or metabolic disease.
6. Farting is HEALTHY – it means that you are digesting high levels of fibre. High levels of fibre is ESSENTIAL to gut health and maintaining a healthy gut microbiota
blogblog Also Commented
Why very high fruit diets are a *disaster* for most of us
I suggest you read a current nutritional biochemistry textbook and stop making uninformed comments.
Each and every one of your claims is incorrect.
1. Whole fruit has very title effect on blood glucose of insulin levels in non-diabetics.
2. Humans (but not rats) convert fructose directly to glucose. Excess glucose is stored as glycogen. Only 1% of fructose is converted to fat.
3. Excess dietary fat is stored directly in adipose tissue.
4. Our bodies can produce all the fats we need (except for ALA and EPA from carbohydrates ). We need less than 1g per day of each of these essential fatty acids. They are found in all fruits and vegetables.