This is 5 years old already. I have had the …

Comment on Why very high fruit diets are a *disaster* for most of us by Suzanne.

This is 5 years old already. I have had the exact opposite happen to me. I’m just a little over a month into my mostly raw eating plan (hard to do when it’s -30C outdoors). Meals mostly consists of a variety of fruit, smoothies, and one warm meal per day, and green leafy salads, raw veggie meals.

I’ve been leaning out quite nicely and still building mass (female here, weighing 120lbs, and at 13% bf) Since changing to a HCLF meals I have had the most energy I have ever had and am able to complete my workouts at the gym without any problems. Doing my first bodybuilding show using RAW 80-10-10 so that I don’t have to cut too many calories and keep on eating. NO SKINNY FAT HERE.

You normally gain weight when ingesting too many calories.

However, as for the remark about the eggs and salmon…….just eating this once in a day puts you over your fat intake for the day and added calories. Do this “here and there” and you are not longer following the 80-10-10, and your caloric intake is out the window.

Which translates into gaining weight. If you’re going to increase your fats you need to decrease your carb intake. At this point you are no longer 80-10-10.

It’s simple math really with a little bit of science behind it. 😉

Do what feels best for you in the end. I’ve eaten everything from high protein low carbs, to med fat med carbs, and everything in between. Variety is key to any meal planning and making it work with being consistent with the nutrients and calories you are taking in to remain in an optimal state of health.

Great read!