Comment on Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? by Rachel.
I have been called sensitive all my life. It’s not until I moved into a management role that I realised how overly sensitive I truly was. I would speak about work-related situations to my boss and get emotional.
I have two sisters who are very social and can make friends easily. I find it harder to open up to people. I am always trying to protect my emotions. I realized I have built up this hard image or personality to protect my feelings and prevent others from seeing I’m really sensitive. I get easily overwhelmed in stressful situations and my mind goes blank because I’m so focused on my feelings. As a child I would cry over everything and find it hard to express myself. If I was upset I would rely on two emotions getting really angry or start to cry.
I’m so happy I found this website. I’m thanking God you wrote this post to know I’m not going crazy! I answered yes to almost all those questions. It’s so funny I can feel people’s energy and when I talk about this to my friends and family they look at me weird. Thanks, Sarah. I feel so much better I have discovered there are others like me. I just need to figure out how to control my sensitivity at work before it impacts my work.
Recent Comments by Rachel
14 keys to thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person
Another amazing post! Thank you 🙂