Comment on Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? by Sarah Best.
I think understanding the positive side of sensitivity can be really transformative for some, especially those who grew up believing they weren’t okay as they are. But understanding from others is also important to HSPs, so having at least one close HSP friend and ideally several is really important too.
Sarah Best Also Commented
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
Hi Rachel,
Thank you so much for sharing. I can totally relate to what you wrote, and I am so pleased you found the post helpful.
Many HSPs find the workplace challenging – you are definitely not alone there. Your mentioning that has given me the idea to make that the topic of one of my upcoming articles about thriving as an HSP – so thank you for that, too π
Sarah x
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
Beautiful! With this positive, empathetic mirroring you’re giving your son he can experience his sensitivity as a blessing instead of a curse. I personally believe there is much overlap between HSPs and indigos.
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
You’re so welcome, Lara. I had the same reaction first time I was exposed to this information.
Recent Comments by Sarah Best
Eat less, live longer
Thank you, Daniel. And agreed. Fellow Dr Fuhrman fan here π
Thank you so much for sharing that.
Yes, it is devastating to miss the love of a father.
And it’s not made any easier by the fact that this is so little talked about and understood.
But for what it’s worth, in the four years since I began writing about this topic I’ve heard from SO many women who feel just as you do.
That’s why I started my free email series on the father-daughter relationship, which is designed to answer the very questions you posed, and which I see you’ve signed up for. I hope you’ll find it helpful.
Thanks again for the share.
Sarah x
14 keys to thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person
That’s wonderful to hear, and thank you so much for the share.
My new favourite brand of natural perfume
Great to know, Shelda! π
The deadly drug in your kitchen
Thank you for commenting, Miriam. I’d forgotten that I recommended agave in this article and I’ve made a note to revise it, as I have since revised my views βΒ very much in line with what you wrote, in fact! I blogged about that here: I still consider brown rice syrup a great choice since it’s essentially fructose free. As for research on the impact on emotional and mental wellbeing of consuming a high-sugar diet, I couldn’t agree more! And I personally think that what’s come out on this so far is just the tip of the iceberg π